
Nyx Concealer in a Jar


Product: Nyx Concealer in a Jar
Shade: Light
Overall rating: 7.5

After hearing lots of good reviews on this concealer, I finally bought one. My review is going to be very neutral, its just ok, not amazing. It’s better than Maybelline’s Dream Mousse concealer, not as good as Coastal Scents’ concealer pallet. Its best quality is that it’s very thin and smooth. .nyx3

Maybelline’s Dream mousse concealer was more grainy and took more blending. It was also soft and  could be thick and powdery. Coastal Scent’s concealer pallet gives tons of coverage but is quite thick. The problem with this Nyx one is that the coverage is low so time and product needed to build coverage and that would make it just as thick as Coastal Scent’s. The level of coverage it provides isn’t much better than a medium-high coverage foundation


The jar packaging is also unsanitary. Its too hard for a brush (unless you warm it up first) but using your fingers every time could just be building up bacteria. 

If you’re looking for a concealer for light imperfections, this is a good one to try. Otherwise, there are better ones out there in a similar price range. 


Marion said...

Thank you for this review :O I was supposed to get this! But now anymore. Haha

Kiss and Blush Makeup said...

love ur blog <3 check mine out. follow if u like it

Anonymous said...

hi there!!! i've awarded you the kreativ blogger award!!!

check it out here!!!^^


Joanne said...

I've only come across NYX makeup recently so its great to see a review, I think I may pick some up!

HariRari said...

I haven't try them but my favourite concealer is Erase & Paste by Benefit, it comes in a jar :(
Hey and I like your blog, you have a new follower here!

Unknown said...

I have used this before, its alright used with other products but alone I don't rate it much.


Joanne said...

i was thinking of getting this one but i changed my mind now.

great review though. :)


Pauly said...

Great review! :) I have been on the lookout for a good concealer since what seems like forever...

Unknown said...

nice blog hun...www,lovelypettit_Mom.blogspot.com

Tacaskin said...

This nyx concealer is really good. I still want to use them for a while. Thank for your writting: